Student Government
President: Austin Renstrom
Assemblies: Camiron Koch
Activities: Dallin Webb
Warrior’s Rep: Jane Weston
Publicity: Samantha Armour
Secretary: Noah Richards
Artist: Marché Cramer
Cinematographer: Aubrey Olson
Tech Specialist: Ryan Dooley
Cheer Rep: Ally Higgins
Senior Class
President: Joseph Smith
Secretary: Katelyn Bethers
Publicity: Kate Johnson
Warrior’s Rep: Abby Kearns
Activities/Assem: Elizabeth Lang
Cinematographer: Ali Wakefield
Junior Class
President: David Gunn
Secretary: Allie Souza
Publicity: Sienna Miller
Warrior’s Rep: Bryson Steel
Activities/Assem: Zaya Cox
Cinematographer: Akira Thomas
Sophomore Class
President: Parker Olson
Secretary: Sunny Condor
Publicity: Haylee Ford
Warrior’s Rep: Mayley Evans
Activities/Assem: Sadie Skaggs
Cinematographer: Zachary Despain
Election Info
Results page for the 2025-2026 elections
See who is signed up and running here.
Attention all Juniors:
If you are interested in serving on Exec council for 2025 – 2026 download the election packet below. Email gro.21khsaw@gnilyerk.eimaj with any questions. All election information is due by Feb 8th, 2024
Choose from the following positions:
- Student Body President
- Secretary
- Activities
- Assemblies
- Warrior’s Rep
- Publicity
- Cinematographer*
- Tech Rep*
- Artist*
* Cinematographer, Tech Rep and Artist are appointed positions and you will need to submit a portfolio by Feb 21st (see link to Application packet below)
Those wanting to run for a SO, JR or SR class office, those packets are due Feb 21st.
We’re also looking for two creative, artistic, tech savvy and responsible juniors to serve as Exec Council Artist, Tech Specialist and Exec or Class Cinematographer for next school year. See the packets below. Portfolios will be due Feb 21st and the selections will be announced on this page on March 5th.
Artist, Tech Rep and Cinematographer Information for the 2025 – 2026:YOU MUST BE A CURRENT JR TO APPLY FOR ARTIST, CINEMATOGRAPHER & TECH:
Class Election Information for the 2025 – 2026:
Downloadable Elections Documents:
(As revised on January 23, 2022)
- The name of this organization shall be known as the Student Body of Snow Canyon High
- The purpose of this organization will be:
- To provide each student with the opportunity to learn, to develop talents, and to gain worthwhile
- To foster understanding and cooperation among students, faculty, administration, and the school
- The school colors shall be Hunter Green, Navy Blue, and Vegas Gold.
- The school mascot shall be the
- The official name of the yearbook shall be Legend.
- The official name of the school paper shall be The Nahuatl.
- The official name of the literary magazine shall be Canyons.
- MEMBERSHIP (shall be of two kinds):
- Active: All registered students who have paid their student activity fees shall be active members of this They shall have all rights, privileges, and obligations of membership.
- Honorary: Honorary membership shall consist of faculty, staff, principals, superintendent, and members of the Board of Education.
- The Snow Canyon High School Administration reserves the right to declare any student ineligible to represent the school in any organization or activity if a student fails to uphold adopted school
We endorse and uphold the eligibility standards of the Utah High School Activities Association.
- Procedures to Determine Eligibility
- Standards for participation in groups that represent Snow Canyon High School are to be in the form of a constitution for that particular group. The constitution must be approved by the administration and advisor.
- The advisor is responsible to check with the faculty and administration each performance to determine the status of the member of the
- If faculty members have any concerns as to the eligibility of a participant in a group representing Snow Canyon High School, they should be voiced to either the athletic director or advisor of the appropriate group.
- Executive Council
- The Student Body Officers shall constitute the highest student authority in the executive branch of this The Student Body Officers shall consist of the following elected officers of the student body:
- President
- Vice President- Secretary/Historian
- Vice President- Warrior’s Representative
- Vice President- Publicity
- Vice President- Assemblies
- Vice President- Activities
- The Student Body Officers shall constitute the highest student authority in the executive branch of this The Student Body Officers shall consist of the following elected officers of the student body:
- Executive Council
Other officers of the Executive Council shall consist of the following elected and appointed officers:
- Senior Class President
- Junior Class President
- Sophomore Class President
- Cheer Representative (shall be chosen and appointed by the cheer advisor)
- Student Body Artist, Technology Specialist (shall be chosen and appointed by the Executive Council elect and the election committee)
- Cinematographer will be appointed by the election committee
- Duties of the Executive Council as a whole:
- Appropriate moneys of the organization
- To fill in vacancies in any elected position with the
- To conduct all school wide elections
- To be in charge of activities, cultural, and social
- To be a liaison between students and administration, parents and community
- All members of the Executive Council, before assuming office, shall pledge:
- Duties of the Executive Council as a whole:
“I do solemnly affirm that I will uphold and obey all laws and rules of Snow Canyon High School, support all school activities, and fill the office to which I am elected, to the best of my ability.”
- The advisor of the Executive Council will be appointed by the principal.
- Class Officers
- The Class Officers shall consist of the following elected officers of the class:
- President
- Vice President- Secretary/ Historian
- Vice President- Warrior’s Representative
- Vice President- Publicity
- Vice President- Assemblies/ Activities
- Cinematographer will be appointed by the election committee
- Student Body Officers
- Nominations for Student Body Offices shall be by
- All candidates must have an 80 % approval from their teachers in the two previous grading
- The written approval/ disapproval from the teachers of the candidates must be given to the Executive Council
- Student Body Officers
- The Class Officers shall consist of the following elected officers of the class:
- Requirement standards for Student Body Office candidates:
- Accumulative academic grade point average of 3.25 (9th grade to present)
- No academic F on a transcript from 10-11 grade and no more than one from ninth grade
- Appointed positions must have a GPA of 3.0 or higher and no more than two F on a transcript from 10-11 grade and no more than one from 9th grade.
- Class Officers
- Nominations for class officers shall be by
- All candidates must have an 80% approval from their teachers in the 2 previous quarters prior to elections.
- The written approval/ disapproval from the teachers of the candidates must be given to the Executive Council
- Requirement standards for Class Officer candidates:
- A cumulative academic grade point average of 3.25 (9th grade to present)
- No academic F on a transcript from 10-11 grade and no more than one (total) from ninth grade year.
- Candidates for sophomore class officer may have no academic “F” or “I” on middle school
- Appointed positions must have a GPA of 3.0 or higher and no more than two F on a transcript from 10-11 grade and no more than one from 9th grade.
- Candidates for sophomore class officers will refer to cumulative of middle school
- Club Officers
- Club officers will be chosen according to individual club constitution.
- All campaigning is done under the direction of the Student Body
- Votes for a write-in candidate will not be
- Students must go through both the primary and final elections procedures before being elected, even if he/she is unopposed.
- Rules and regulations may be obtained in the student body office for all candidates.
- All elected Student Body Officers shall be elected in their junior year and serve in their senior year by secret
- Primary elections will be held at a time determined by the student body officers, no later than one week after the applications for office are submitted.
- All candidates who are eligible will appear on the
- Each student will vote for their two top choices for each .
- Two finalists will be selected for each office
- Final elections will be held within two week after primary
- Each student will vote once for each
- Campaign Procedures for Student Body and Class Office
- Candidates will pick up application packets and submit application poster, petition, and transcripts by deadline.
- Candidates and Parents must attend the parents meeting on the announced
- Candidate who meets eligibility requirements will be presented in the Primary
- Primary elections will be held at a time determined by the student body officers, no later than one week after the applications for office are submitted.
- All campaigning is done under the direction of the Student Body
Primary elections will be evaluated as follows:
- 40% Popular Vote
- 35% Teacher Evaluation
- 25% Application Poster
- Primary election winners will:
- Campaign
- Make election video
- Interview with Student/Faculty
- Student/Faculty committee will consist of the student council advisor, a member of the school administration, and the member of the current student council which hold that position (President will interview presidential candidates, etc.)
- Final elections will be evaluated as follows:
- 35% Popular Vote
- 20% Video
- 45% Interview
- ELECTION LIMITATIONS (Office or Royalty)
- No student shall hold more than one elective office at the same
- Student Government offices are to be approved by the school
- A boy or girl may not be elected to a royalty of any major school function more than once in a school
- The tenure of office for elected officers shall be from graduation to graduation.
- Any student holding an elected office must be registered as a full-time student at Snow Canyon High School (see definition below)
- If a vacancy occurs in any office other than of the president, the principal and Student Body Officers shall appoint a replacement
- If the office of president is vacated the principal will appoint one of the elected vice presidents to become president.
- Any Student Government officer, through the neglect of duty, may be removed from office by consensus of administration and advisor.
- All elected and appointed persons are responsible for the completion of all their duties as decided by the advisor, administration, and student councils as a whole. If a member does not complete his/her duties then he/she is subject to a review.
- If any elected or appointed student government officer of the school, while in office, fails to maintain a 3.0 grade point average, or receives an F or NG grade, he/she will automatically be put on probation for the period of one quarter, or until appealed or made up.
- Probation is defined as:
- Any Student Government officer, through the neglect of duty, may be removed from office by consensus of administration and advisor.
Cannot vote or participate as an officer at any activity, or wear any item of clothing affiliated with the position. Cannot function in an official capacity.
Failure to comply with grade standards after a period of probation will result in termination from office.
- Infractions (criminal, civil, citizenship and behavior) as incurred by an elected or appointed officer of Snow Canyon High School will be dealt with as follows:
An informal investigation and consensus vote for each individual officer will be conducted by administration, advisor, school resource officer, and/or the appropriate student councils. Ineligibility results when effective leadership ability is compromised.
If the individual is found ineligible, he/she will not be able to represent Snow Canyon High School. The length of the period of probation or decision to remove the individual from the office will be determined by the above mentioned officials as part of the ineligibility decision.
Stand oh mighty Warriors throw your challenge to the foe. We will fight with all our might, to battle we will go.
Ever we’ll be true to the Gold, Green and Blue.
Join along and sing our song, go Warriors it is up to you. S———-C———-H——————————— S-C-SCHS
Give a rousing cheer for our Snow Canyon High. Bring on the band and raise our colors to the sky. We will give our all to help our team to win tonight.
Stand and cheer, we all are here to show our pride SC unite. ALL RIGHT!
Amendments or revisions of this constitution may be made by a three-fourths (3/4) vote of the Executive Council at any of its regular meetings.
Amendments will be effective only after approval by the school administration.
- The tenure of office for elected and appointed officers shall be from graduation to graduation. Any student holding an elected or appointed office must be registered as a full-time student at Snow Canyon High A full time student is defined for all elected and appointed officers as:
- Being enrolled for 8 (4) periods during the school
- “Release-time” means a period of time during the regular school day when a student attending a public school is excused from the school, at the request of the student’s parent, to attend classes in religious instruction given by a regularly organized church. (This definition comes from the Utah State Office of Education)
- In order for all elected officers to take release time, they must have a parent signature on the parent release form, and their time spent during release time must comply with USOE’s definition of release time.
- Internships for 1 period can be counted as fully engaged at Snow Canyon, so long as the internship supervisor understands the responsibilities of the individual as a member of the student council and is willing to be flexible with his/her schedule. The student still has the responsibility to follow all curriculum set forth by the internship supervisor, and must still complete all hours
- 6 of the 8 periods must be on campus classes at Snow Canyon High School the other 2 may include a Vocational, Cosmetology, or College course offered off-campus. These must be approved by the student government advisor prior
- Only 1 Online High School course may be taken off campus at any given time and must be approved by the student government advisor prior
- Work Release during the school day is not included as fully engaged; however, if an individual wishes to take work release before or after school as a 0 period, they are allowed to do